
Health Hub Morayfield is committed to protecting user privacy. We recognise and appreciate that users of this website may be concerned about privacy and the confidentiality and security of any information that may be provided to us.

To protect your privacy Health Hub Morayfield staff must follow the National Privacy Principles in the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (PDF, 640kB), which cover the collection, use, disclosure, security, quality, access, correction and openness of personal information.

Website analytics

We use Google Analytics (including display advertising features) on our website to gather anonymous information about visitors to our website. When you visit our web pages, your browser automatically sends anonymous information to Google. Examples of the information include the web address of the page that you’re visiting, your IP address and demographic information. Google may also use cookies.

We use this data to analyse the pages that are visited, to improve your experience and make sure our website is useful.

You can read more about how Google uses data. You can choose not to allow Google to collect your information by opting out of Google Analytics or specifically opt out of Google Analytics display advertiser features.